
How to reform religion ck2
How to reform religion ck2

how to reform religion ck2

The decreased chances of heresies emerging isn't even that big of a deal, since there is only one heresy, the unreformed version of your religion, and it usually has 0 moral authority once you reform religions anyways, so it's unlikely to emerge as a heresy. Despite similarities between autonomous reformed paganism and Dharmic religions (followers of both has religious branch trait), the former still needs to deal with heresy (old pagan religion), while the latter has no heresies. Crusader Kings II > General Discussions > Topic Details. Also, nomads are often an exception due to their unique mechanics. When the religion is reformed, rulers of the faith may choose to accept or reject the new order of things. The Pope can grant the Invasion Casus Belli. Pagan vassals are more likely to seek independence, and gain warscore more rapidly than others in independence wars. Its holy sites are scattered around the map but are mostly controlled by right religion, even in 1066 starting date. Enatic Clans doctrine is extra powerful because one can easily 'breed in' several bloodlines by simply doing matrilineal marriages over a few generations. Agnatic is prohibitet, but rulers can still be Agnatic-Cognatic. Catholicism is one of the oldest branches of Christianity and the one that has had the biggest impact on the history of Europe. However, the Sons of Abraham demon child event chain will create Zunist "witches", who can be married matrilineally or assigned as guardians to children with the Faith or Heritage focus. However, the religion's holy sites are scattered far and wide making reformation very hard. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. But, aside from Germanic/Zun, they are identical, except for slightly different flavor text and Slavic "Jarilo" event. When AI characters reform a religion they generally take 1 or 2 doctrines that match the unreformed version. (AI rulers are likely to accept the reformed religion if cynical, same dynasty as the reformer, or under control of a reformed ruler.) Due to the Germanic faith's long and combative relationship with Catholic western Europe, there are a number of unique events between them. Since 2.4.1, when a temple that is designated a holy site is destroyed, the province becomes the holy site instead, but the value of the province for moral authority is reduced by half. "Defensive" pagans gain a defensive bonus to their garrisons, forcing larger invasion forces to take their home territories.

How to reform religion ck2